Sunday, January 06, 2008


We've been getting a lot of questions about and what it's all about. We have seen the commercials and we wrote about the crazyfox commercials here.

But as we mention there we are only suggesting what it is based on how the domain name is structured and our experience with similar ads from other companies.

If you absolutely want to know without a doubt you will have to take them up on their offer at

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Is legit?

We constantly get questions about envelope stuffing opportunities at our popular website WorkAtHomeTruth.

We have a policy of not slamming particular products, however we will point a person to a certain part of our site for them to evaluate whether or not the product seems to throw up red flags that we have listed for certain types of program.

We recently got a question about from a person who had seen a homeworkmadeez ad online. Apparently they typed into Google and somehow hit a site that referred them to our site.

We pointed them to our section about envelope stuffing opportunities so that they could judge for themselves whether or not threw up some of the red flags we listed there.

We aren't going to say whether it did or it didn't - that's something that's important to work out for yourself as you are going to need to learn how to sort out fact from fiction.