Friday, February 22, 2008

Surefire Success price increase coming

Surefire Success, our top home business pick will be raising it's price soon.

The somewhat under-the-radar home business system won't be under the radar for much longer as there will be a significant push to increase the membership base soon.

The nice thing about that is that this truly is a site where the more members the better as everyone leverages everyone else's expertise and having more members is synergistic in the strictest sense.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Little White eBook taking off

Little White eBook is taking off.

The reviews for Little White eBook have come fast and furiously and we're seeing a big push now by the authors themselves to define Little White eBook as the defacto standard in homeshoring company reference books.

Recently they fixed the main problem we had with the Little White eBook of Homeshoring Jobs - the fact that there was no rhyme or reasons to how it was organized.

They tell us that they've updated the book - and lo' and behold - they've learned the alphabet! The companies are now listed alphabetically.